This money is then pooled together to fund the jackpot for each round. Cards are $10 each and are ‘bought’ by purchasing a $10 gift certificate in my back office. The reason for this is that I mailed out the actual Bingo Cards to each person that bought into the game. In the future, I would do at least 2 weeks in advance with probably 3 weeks in advance being ideal. I started the event a little over a week prior to the actual game night.
I set the event up on my Business Page, this makes it public and totally shareable by anyone! Which is awesome because that means your customers can share the event with their friends! I marketed it by including it in an email I sent to my customer base, posting about it in my VIP Group, and actually sending invites to some ladies. One day, it finally came to me and I put it together! Here’s a quick run down of how I set up the event, received payments, sent cards, and ran the actual Bingo game! I’ve been wanting to try a pay-to-play Bingo on Facebook for a while but wasn’t sure how it would all work.